The start of something wonderful

So, we hosted our first Home Group (now Covenant Group) last night here at our home. Ken led one for the first time ever, and he fit into that role splendidly, effortlessly. The ten couples that sat around the table and enjoyed a Southern-style potluck dinner never had a lull in the conversations.

It is simply amazing to me how ten people from all backgrounds can come together and weave their tapestries of life so seamlessly into one....threads overlap in many places. We have all had experiences that at least one other person had as well. We are all in the same place in life right now....married less than 5 years and starting our families. God's hand plucked each couple out and put us together, and it most definitely shows.

Last night, among other evenings we've experienced in the last few weeks, have reiterated to me how vital close relationships are to our well-being, and even to our spiritual vitality. As Christians, we are not called to "go it alone." God designed for us to be involved in an infrastructure of close-knit friends and family, to sharpen us as well as to comfort and inspire us.

I am looking forward to growing even closer to our group, to sharing things I've been dying to share with someone, to learn more about what they feel, believe, and have experienced. It is like a fresh new page in a book, delightfully fragrant and beckoning you to delve into its plots and pictures. I can't think of a more exciting endeavor.


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