Have you ever had to make up your mind?.....

The tune of that song is still resonating within my skull as I sit here. I go through spells where I simply cannot make up my mind about anything. Right now, I am smack dab in the middle of one of those spells. It is frustrating, yes, but if I do not learn to laugh at myself when I do this, I just might cry.

I know I'm going through this spell because of what happened to me minutes ago at the grocery store. I passed by some crackers that I wasn't going to buy on this trip....we really didn't need them. I stopped the cart. Gardner looked up at me expectantly; I had just told him we were wrapping up our shopping, and he was ready for lunch. I stared at the box of crackers on the shelf. I thumbed through the coupons that I held in my hand. I got out my calculator and crunched some numbers. I looked up at the ceiling, then back at the crackers. As I continued to stand there, I realized that my mind was totally blank. I wasn't thinking about the price....I wasn't thinking about my pantry contents....I wasn't even thinking about how good those crackers would have tasted right then. My brain was 100%, totally, absolutely empty of all thoughts whatsoever.

I felt silly. The lady beside me gave me a strange look, a pitiful glance, as so many people often give to elderly people who have a legitimate reason to stand still, confused, in the middle of the aisles. I had no excuse. I was just having a brain lapse.....and that's a major understatement.

And, hold on a minute. Let's look at the big picture, Meg. YOU ARE STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF PUBLIX HAVING A MAJOR MOMENT OF INTENSE CONCENTRATION ABOUT CRACKERS!! I was giving the same amount of energy to the finer points of crispy flat thingies that most people give to stocks and bonds. Oh, my.

Yes, I took my vitamin this morning. Yes, I got enough sleep (9 hours, to be exact). Yes, I have been exercising (so that oxygen will more effectively reach my brain). And yes, I am still under 30 years of age.

Why does this happen?

Far be it for me, a psychology major at at that, to be able to explain these spacy moments.

I think it is just one more way that we can learn to let loose and laugh at ourselves a little from time to time.


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