'Twas a good weekend

I was so exhausted from a busy (but) fun weekend that I went to bed at 9:45 last night. I had just spent every ounce of energy that I had left, and I succombed to the demands of my mortal shell and hit the sack early.

Friday morning, we went to the gym together. Oh, my. Let me just explain a couple of things. First, I have been doing extremely well (in my mind) of keeping up with my cardio exercise both during pregnancy AND afterwards. I walk a lot, and can Tae-Bo anybody around the room anytime, any day. But the second point I must share with you is that it has been well over a year since I lefted the dumbells. I trained myself Friday, simply because I am my own toughest trainer (I am military-like in how I push myself till my blood vessels pop out on my forehead). I put myself through a rigorous lower body routine, the effects of which are still hampering my ability to walk in a straight line. Ever worked out your calves so hard that you couldn't drive stick shift for a few days? Yep, that was me this weekend.

Yet I love the feeling of "getting back into the gym." (I feel like such a Southern redneck when I say that.) No, really.....I know I am doing my body good by making it leaner, stronger, healthier. It is a feeling that is beyond compare.

Friday night included an 1.5 hour trip to Ken's cousin's rehearsal dinner....of all tables, Jason, Kelly and we ended up at the "preacher table." I used to think that kind of stuff only happened to my Dad.

Saturday morning, I rose at 6:15am and met Suzanne and Becky to go yard-saleing. They racked up; I exited my morning with a few treasures (but ones that I am proud of). Let me just say that if you ever have an estate sale and you are getting rid of piles and piles of vintage Christmas decor and such, you can be my best friend.

Last night, though many hours of sleep passed, the quality of said sleep was not pure and unblemished. I had spatterings of vivid, bizarre dreams all night long. I keep having repetitive dreams, and the uncanny thing is that all three of the top recurring dreams occurred in the same night together: flying on an airplane (this time on a tour of Europe), going back to school, and going back to a former place of employment. I awoke almost as exhausted as when I went to bed.

Sorry if I bored you with the details of my weekend. It was all my feeble mind could conjure as I sat here before the screen. Perhaps some inspiration will befall me today for a hotter topic for tomorrow's post.


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