OH, my

Anyone else out there as addicted to LOST as we are? I don't think I'd miss it for the world. Last night was no exception. I frantically finished up all I had to do around the house so that I could plant myself on our loveseat promptly at 8:58 pm to watch the newest episode. And, wow.

It is highly unlikely that any show would include me in its band of followers. I usually don't follow the crowd, no matter WHAT new social fly-by they're after. (I never got into "New Kids on the Block" in middle school, and I never fell into line with the other cult followers of shows like "Twin Peaks" or "The X-Files.") I've always preferred the unpopular to the popular.

This show, however, is different. I have to take a long, deep look at myself when I see a mental image of how I sit, mouth-open, wide-eyed staring at the screen every week. That's just not ME.

I can't explain why I like this show so much and choose to follow its bittersweet plot twists week after week other than the fact that it leaves you wanting more. Not just more as in what they might show you next week....but more in the sense that I jump off the couch at 10:02pm and shout, "I have to do some research.....NOW!"

Anything with clues, hidden meanings, symbols, and allegories makes my blood pressure inflate and my heart kick into overdrive. Research and mystery-solving are fuels for me. I crave it, and I love it. Television shows, of all things, which call out to this part of me have my vote, hands down.

So, now I am on to dig through theories, read about what other people might have seen last night that I didn't (and perhaps vice-versa).

Man, these creators are brilliant. It doesn't take much to reel in the suckers.....but when they succeed at having Ken and I wrapped around their little script-writing fingers....now, that's quite a feat.


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