Thankful for downtime

Last night, I had plans. I had plans to do oh-so-many things after I put Gardner to bed at 7. I was so excited about getting a head start on my task list for today.

Suddenly, though, at 7:05pm, it hit me. I was TIRED. Not just a little tired....but wiped OUT. 100%, totally fatigued. It was hard to even walk I was so tired. Part of this can be explained by first trimester stuff, but it was mainly due to the fact that I'd not slept well the night before and I had done way too much during the afternoon and early evening. I was paying for it.

So, I did something uncharacteristic for me....VERY uncharacteristic for me. I put on my pajamas before 7:30 and I crawled into bed. I sat and read for a long time in the Bible, passages that I love to read over and over and never tire of, ever. I read it leisurely, not with an intended purpose of checking off my to-do list, or even to find some deep, hidden meaning within its words. I simply let God's Word speak softly to me, and I listened.

Then I fit my iPod earbuds in my ears and began to catch up on the podcasts on which I have been SO behind. I did not move a muscle, except to adjust the volume every now and then. I laid there. I stared at the ceiling. My black cat cuddled up with me and went to sleep. It was NICE.

I ended up going to "bed" at regular time, but not before I had that very important span of down time. I needed that. Everybody needs that sometimes. To forget what dishes are piled in the kitchen and forget what bills need to be sent out tomorrow. Just to relish in the moment of being. Just to be STILL.

Do you need to be still today? It's tough, I know. But it's so worth it.

Today has been GREAT, and I owe much of that to my allowing all clocks to, in my mind, cease existence in my world for a few hours the night before.


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