Good times, old friends
We had a relaxing and leisurely dinner last night with Joe Sangl, an old friend from "way back" (and by that, I mean 1998....I believe that's when we first met him and Jenny). This was his first time meeting our son, too, and that was tres exciting.
Over our meal, we discussed many topics, but over and over again sprung up fanciful stories of the past. He said that Melea, his daughter, had pulled out their old home movies last weekend, and he saw on them Ken and I in various places....for one, at her first birthday party. I remember those times like it was yesterday. And of course, there were all of those extremely-fun cookouts the Sangls could throw so effortlessly; even when they involved cooking a 75-pound pig right in their backyard.
We discussed the perils of our years in Columbia....both of our families forced there, stuck, obsessed with thoughts of home, ready to get out but knowing it was not possible (at least not immediately). Those Saturdays Jenny and I would hit those Northeast Columbia yardsales like banchees....we could find bargains, that's for sure. Yard saleing around here is not nearly as profitable.
Those numerous churches we hopped from all over the Columbia metro area....none having that unnamed missing link we could put our finger on, but us all knowing that we would just need to to jump in somewhere lest we lose our focus and our walks with God weaken.
You get closer to people with whom you go through trials and hard times....I suppose that is something we can always say about the Sangls. We were in a new and strange place, yet we had neighbors 20 houses down who were friendly, familiar faces. We were inspired by Jenny's go-get-em attitude as far as making friends with the other inhabitants of our subdivision. Jenny and I hung out and consoled each other (well, she consoled ME) when our husbands were stuck at work due to a treater fire (a bi-weekly event, you could bet on it).
So good to see Joe. And we are going to visit with Jenny and Melea this weekend when they arrive to join him. I am so thankful for friends who stick so close after so much time apart.
Over our meal, we discussed many topics, but over and over again sprung up fanciful stories of the past. He said that Melea, his daughter, had pulled out their old home movies last weekend, and he saw on them Ken and I in various places....for one, at her first birthday party. I remember those times like it was yesterday. And of course, there were all of those extremely-fun cookouts the Sangls could throw so effortlessly; even when they involved cooking a 75-pound pig right in their backyard.
We discussed the perils of our years in Columbia....both of our families forced there, stuck, obsessed with thoughts of home, ready to get out but knowing it was not possible (at least not immediately). Those Saturdays Jenny and I would hit those Northeast Columbia yardsales like banchees....we could find bargains, that's for sure. Yard saleing around here is not nearly as profitable.
Those numerous churches we hopped from all over the Columbia metro area....none having that unnamed missing link we could put our finger on, but us all knowing that we would just need to to jump in somewhere lest we lose our focus and our walks with God weaken.
You get closer to people with whom you go through trials and hard times....I suppose that is something we can always say about the Sangls. We were in a new and strange place, yet we had neighbors 20 houses down who were friendly, familiar faces. We were inspired by Jenny's go-get-em attitude as far as making friends with the other inhabitants of our subdivision. Jenny and I hung out and consoled each other (well, she consoled ME) when our husbands were stuck at work due to a treater fire (a bi-weekly event, you could bet on it).
So good to see Joe. And we are going to visit with Jenny and Melea this weekend when they arrive to join him. I am so thankful for friends who stick so close after so much time apart.