Dear desperate neighbor a few streets down,

I am writing to voice my intense frustration at what I saw at the end of your driveway today. Driving home, air conditioner blasting because of the humid stickiness outside, I glanced over to see a cage at the end of your driveway. I squinted in the sunlight to see if I could tell what was inside. Was it.....oh, no. Oh, NO. Yes, I noticed that you placed three pekingese puppies in said cage and stuck it practically into traffic on a busy thoroughfare at lunch hour. PUPPIES!!

One slip, one false move of a driver who is smoking, talking on a cell phone, or reading a map might send their tires onto the curb, their fender flying straight toward those helpless little puffs of fur. Their eyes looked over at me as I passed....they literally looked scared for their little lives. The scratchily-written sign propped up beside their cage penned, "Pekingese puppies for sale," followed by tiny, illegible writing. What THIS means is that passersby will attempt to read such small writing while driving past, thus endangering these little canines even further by even more haphazard driving practices.

I won't even go into the fact that it is a very warm day, and these dogs were not in the shade at all. All I know is that there better had been a bowl of water in there for those guys.

There is nothing wrong with trying to get rid of pure-bred puppies on one's own property. Yet to peddle them on the street curb in a pimpish manner is degrading and cruel. Please bring those little dogs back into the safety of the confines of your home, or at least underneath a shady tree far from the speeding cars that race down that avenue. They aren't humans, I know that, too....but they are creatures who feel pain and discomfort.

Concerned neighbor who would be just as livid if the creatures in question were iguanas instead of adorable, fuzzy-headed pups


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